TAG: Confessions of a Beauty Blogger

I found this tag on Wonderland Beauty and wanted to join in!

Here you go:

  1. How many hours a week do you spend writing/editing posts?
    I spend about 3 or 4 hrs a day writing posts or coming up with concepts/editing my blog. I don’t touch a computer on the weekend (my rule!) so on average, I spend between 15-20 hrs a week on my blog.
  2. Are you a spender or a saver?
    Definitely a spender. I’m trying to correct that, though!
  3. When is it easiest for you to blog?
    It’s easiest for me to blog while I’m at my fulltime job. I’m lucky enough to have free reigns which is how I can get so much done/written, providing I don’t have actual “work” to do.
  4. What makes writing behind a computer comfortable for you?
    It’s just easier than recording/editing/uploading videos. I tried the whole YouTube thing but right now- it’s not for me. I don’t have time to record, let alone edit. I have a studio in my home that I work out of in the evenings (ie. taking clients)
  5. What’s your worst makeup/hair habit?
    My worst makeup habit is overblushing. I can’t help it- I love blush!
  6. What’s one quote that you wish the world would live by?
    Very cliche answer but : live, laugh, love. A lot of people are so negative or are surrounded by a lot of negativity and that’s just not a way to live.
  7. How long do you spend getting ready every day?
    40 minutes- give or take
  8. Who’s your favourite blogger?
    I would have to say Temptalia. I check her website at least once a day. Her reviews are detailed and her pictures are awesome.
  9. Who is a blogger that you read who deserves more subscribers than they have?
    Heels and Hers. Every Toronto girl needs to read her blog!
  10. What’s one thing you’re excited about in the upcoming year?
    I look forward to expanding my business and learning a new trade. I hope to be taking a lash extension course with Xtreme Lash.
  11. What’s your most awkward blogging moment?
    This is an easy one to answer! I borrowed a photo once without crediting the source and got called out on it. In my defense, said photo was watermarked (and the watermark wasn’t mine!)
  12. How long does it take for you to prep a post?
    On average, less than an hour.
  13. Are you wearing pants (or jeans/skirt) right now or are you wearing pajama bottoms/sweat pants?
    I’m at work so I’m most definitely wearing pants!
  14. What are you most proud of in your life?
    All that I’ve accomplished with my business in such a short amount of time. I am so grateful and thankful for my supporters! I wouldn’t be where I am today with your encouragement.


2 thoughts on “TAG: Confessions of a Beauty Blogger”

  1. Great TAG!
    That’s quite an awkward blogging moment! One of my fears in the blogging world…

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