Self Care Includes Down There – Vagina Health 101

(art by Helen Musselwhite)

I’ve been an Aesthetician since 2011. I’ve waxed thousands of women all over Toronto and the GTA.
It’s safe to say I know a thing or two about vaginas and how to properly care for one.

Maintaining a healthy vagina will prevent infections and other discomforts. Any unusual changes, like an unknown odors or colour in your discharge, is a sign that there might be an issues.

So what are we looking for?

White (milky in colour) discharge is normal but if said discharge has an odour or a cottage cheese like texture, you probably have a yeast infection. If you’re experiencing itching or discomfort around the opening of your vagina, it is most likely a yeast infection. Consult with your Doctor but the fastest way to get rid of a yeast infection is by using over the counter creams like Canesten or Monistat, and washing, multiple times a day, with warm water and a pH Balancing Intimate Wash like Vagisil.

Darker discharge that is yellow, green, or grey in tone suggests abnormalities and you should head to the Doctors immediately.

Getting to know your scent and discharge is so important. Normal scents and discharges equal a healthy vagina!

How to take care of down there:

Our vaginas cleanse themselves naturally. Avoid douches unless prescribed by your doctor. Find an intimate wash that you like and use that daily with warm water.
My two favourite Intimate Wash brands are Vagisil and SweetSpot Labs. I tend to avoid washes that have a scent as I find it irritating. I most definitely do not recommend washing with just a regular old body wash or a bar of soap, as it will most likely throw off your pH balance and cause irritation.

I’m a huge fan of intimate wipes after using the bathroom. I use individually wrapped wipes from MUFF. They’re biodegradable and made from 100% Rayon Paper. They’re soft and gentle, not too heavily scented. I prefer wipes to toilet paper, especially after a #2. I just feel cleaner!

This goes without saying but change your underwear daily. Don’t wear the same underwear all day that you’ve worked out in. Don’t wear a wet bathing suit for too long. All of these faux pas can really mess with your pH balance.

I know there are a ton of vaginal sprays on the market but they are not a necessity and with ingredients like alcohol and fragrances, will almost always do more harm than good.

Taking care of your vagina is really as simple as washing daily, washing after sex, washing after a workout. Do not insert any wash into your vaginal opening but still be sure to open up the labia to clean it and don’t forget between the bum!

Keep in mind that diet also can affect your vaginal health. Processed foods and transfats can really alter your natural odour.

Let’s talk about sex, baby!

Lots of things can make our vaginas a little angry, including sex. Some tips for a healthy vagina during sex?

  • wear condoms with new partners
  • if you experience dryness, use a pH balancing lube
  • don’t go from back to front (if you catch my drift!)
  • pee after sex
  • kegels improve your orgasms
  • see your gyno annually!

Did I miss something you’d like to know about? Leave a comment below!



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