REVIEW: Smashbox Lip Service Lipstick Palette 2

Cost: $8-$40 (depending where you buy it)

Where can I buy this? QVC , All Cosmetics Wholesale


I’ve been looking for a lip palette for ages! Being a freelance make-up artist, I really don’t want to carry three hand-fulls of lipsticks in my kit! So I decided to give this a shot! 18 beautiful colors and it’s Smashbox! My prayers have been answered!…. or so I thought….


I bought this palette for $8.99 + tax + shipping & handling. Thank goodness I did not pay any more money for this product because I would have been really upset!

I love Smashbox products and I just can’t believe they actually released this palette! The quality is terrible (think: gift for a young girl pretending to be like mommy by wearing lipstick). The only thing tolerable that came out of this palette is the lip brush and even that is only manageable, at best.

Not only do these smell & taste bad, these so called lipsticks are oily, wet and apply very streaky- it just falls off your lips (even with lip liner!)  The colors are actually really pretty and you have a huge variety to play with! Corals, reds, pinks, orange, gold, beige… it’s a shame they aren’t even pigmented enough!

This palette would have been great to toss in your purse when you’re on the go! It’s thin & sleek and the only thing missing is a mirror on the lid (oh, and a better quality product)

This is the first (and hopefully, the last) time I’ll be disappointed. I feel like an apology is necessary to your consumers for this atrocity.

We’ll be waiting :)


the ones with the green circles are what I used for the swatches
see how it cakes up?

sorry about the quality on some of these!

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