REVIEW: Pupa “Glossy Lips”


Cost: n/a
Where can I buy this? n/a

We all know how much I love the Lise Watier Waterproof Lip Crayon, these bad gals can almost compare (other than the fact I bought them while I was in Europe & haven’t found them in North America).
Pupa Glossy Lips are glossier than the Lise Watier Lip Crayon but they don’t last as long and they only come in 10 different shades compared to 17.
Each Pupa Glossy Lips are number (1-10) rather than named a specific color. I own #09 which is a pink-orange color. When it’s freshly applied, it’s a gorgeous coral-orange but dries to a pretty pink.

I can’t remember exactly how much I paid but it was somewhere along the lines of 12 euros.


Left: lip color first applied. Right: after 5-6 hours

 You’ll notice Glossy Lips dries roughly the same color but personally, I like how it looks after a few hours rather than when it is first applied.

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