Cost: $22.50 CDN
Where can I buy this?  any MAC store


I wish I could photoshop a heavely glow over that picture but unfortunately, I’m not that talented!
MAC Fix+ is one of my favourite products, by far!
It’s infused with Green Tea, Chamomile, Cucumber with the scent of Sugi (a Japanese cedar) that leaves your skin feeling fresh & dewy.
Essentially, it seems like you’re spending $22.50 on a bottle of water but it is sooooo much more than that and lasts about 6 months (varies on how much you use it).

Let me list the several ways to use the product!  ;)

  1. As a set spray: I like to spray the product on a large, dense brush (ie. MAC 150) and dab it all over my face (keyword: DAB). You can wear it alone or with product. Some people say this doesn’t actually “set” their make-up but I find it works for me.
  2. As a face spray: Another way to use this is to just spray it directly on your face, alone or over your product. I don’t like to use this method because the spray is cold & it makes me jumpy lol. Your face will be left feeling refreshed and it will leave a misty or dewy look.
  3. As a hair product: When it’s used on wet hair, it acts as a detangling product or you can use it on dry hair and leave your hair looking shiny & clean!
  4. To foil eyeshadows & pigments: This product is great for giving your shadows a shiny, new look. To “foil” your eyeshadow, spray the Fix+ on your eyeshadow brush then pick up the shadow. To “foil” your pigments,  place some of the pigment on your hand (or mixing surface) then add a drop of the Fix+ spray and mix it in with the shadow. This also prevents the downfall to using pigments: a mess.  If it’s too dry, add more Fix+. If it’s too wet, add more pigment.
  5. To foil blush: Spray Fix+ directly onto the pan of your blush (or onto your brush) to make it creamier and more pigmented.
  6. To add moisture: If you have dry skin, prior to adding your moisturizing, try spritzing your face with Fix+.
  7. To make your powder last longer: First, apply your powder. Add Fix+ then apply powder (again) on top. I use liquid foundation so I haven’t been able to test this theory out but I use the same method with my blush & it definitely holds.

6 thoughts on “REVIEW: MAC FIX+”

  1. Sounds pretty interesting considering it has so many uses. I would want to spray it all over at a counter display first though before buying it I think.

    1. Absolutely! You wouldn’t believe what cosmetic stores give out as testers!
      Anywhere from face cream to eye shadows & everything in between.
      I encourage to try out testers before buying! :)

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