REVIEW: Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush Palette

Cost: $67 CDN
Available: Sephora

I had my blogger friend Enrica from The Office Chic pick up this palette for me when it was first available to Sephora VIB Rouge members only. I, unfortunately and fortunately (lol), didn’t make VIB Rouge status but Enrica did. Thanks so much hun! :)
Lucky for the rest of us non-VIB Rouge members, this palette is now available to everyone! Except it’s currently out of stock… :(

I use Hourglass Ambient Lighting powders and blushes religiously in my kit pro makeup kit. These powders just blend so effortlessly and look amazing on everyone. They’re definitely a must-have for me. The Ambient Lighting Blush Palette is no different!

It contains 3 blush shades, 2 permanent and 1 limited edition:

  • Luminous Flash (champagne rose) – permanent
  • Incandescent Electra (cool peach) – limited edition
  • Mood Exposure (soft plum) – permanent
L to R: Luminous Flash, Incandescent Electra, Mood Exposure
L to R: Luminous Flash, Incandescent Electra, Mood Exposure
L to R: Luminous Flash, Incandescent Electra, Mood Exposure

Mood Exposure is actually my favourite blush of all time. It’s my go-to in all seasons because it looks different with my seasonal skin tones. When I’m more tanned, it looks more brown. When I’m paler, it leans more plum.

I really love the Ambient Lighting Blushes because they look good on every skin tone. They’re highly pigmented so just a dab into the pan with your blush brush is all you need. The powder never look powdery on the skin, they’re long lasting, and very versatile.

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush Palette has made it’s way into my kit and on the faces of my clients. If you want to try the Ambient Lighting Blushes but don’t want to spend $47 CDN on ONE blush, you should definitely pick up this blush palette. You get 3 blushes for less than 2 full-size blushes.


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