REVIEW: Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment

Cost: $22.50 USD
Available at: Sephora in store or online

Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment is
said to moisturize, protect with it’s SPF 15, and plump your lips.
It’s a mixture of preparative oils, and waxes mixed with real sugar.

When I first read that it was made with real sugar, I thought the formula would be grainy- like a lip exfoliator,  but it’s totally not! Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment is very smooth, not waxy, and glides on with minimal effort. They’re very soft but I didn’t find the mushy like other reviewers have said. It has to do with the amount of pressure you use when applying it, the harder you press the more it will squeesh down. 

I got two sample sizes for my Sephora birthday gift- sugar clear and sugar rose tinted.
I use sugar clear at night to keep my lips moisturized. I can definitely feel a difference in the morning. My lips are smoother and not dry.
I use sugar coral tinted underneath drying lipstick. Sugar coral tinted doesn’t had much of a color so I can get away with layering it under any shade of lipstick to keep my lips moisturized. I find that when I do this, drying lipsticks feel more moisturized, they don’t chap my lips or settle into the fine lines.
The product smells and tastes good, too.

The packaging is neat. It’s aluminum and the cap twists on and off, meaning you’ll never lose the cap in your purse or accidentally ruin the product.

Would I have paid over $20 CDN for this product? Definitely not but if it’s ever on sale, I’d buy it!

(top:) Rose  (bottom:) Clear

4 thoughts on “REVIEW: Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment”

  1. I can’t wait to get mine for my free bday gift but I am going to have to wait until December. I don’t think I would pay $20 for it. I am sure there are many balms out there that do the same but definitely cheaper.

  2. Pingback: TUTORIAL: Peacock with Turquoise Lips « Sicilianna Beauty

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