REVIEW: FACEatelier Lip Lock


Cost: $22 CDN
Where can I buy this? FACE atelier

I’ve been sitting on the fence about this product because I haven’t decided whether I hate it or love it and whether it actually works.
I’ve tested Lip Lock on almost all of my lipsticks but most of them are long lasting. That being said, I haven’t really noticed a difference. The lipsticks didn’t seem to last longer (mind you, I’m not a lipstick eater so my lipsticks normally last long)
Think of Lip Lock like a top coat for your lips. It’s supposed to lock in your lipstick and make it last longer.
I don’t like the way the product is packaged. The lid twists off and attached to it is a brush, very similar packaging to a nail polish. It’s not sanitary at all, especially if you’re using it on clients.
One good thing I found is that it doesn’t have an odor.
Lastly, the product stings. On the FACEatelier website, the description does say it will sting if your lips are chapped or dry. My lips are not chapped or dry and it still stings. Though, it’s an uncomfortable tingling feeling that doesn’t last long.
The lips are a bit too dry with just the Lip Lock, so I like to add a coat of clear gloss to add moisture to my lips.

Actually, writing this review made me realize that I would not purchase FACEatelier Lip Lock again. It doesn’t benefit me at all.


2 thoughts on “REVIEW: FACEatelier Lip Lock”

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