REVIEW: B. Kamins Lip Balm SPF 20


Cost: $21 CDN
Available at: B. Kamins

I’ve tried my hardest to really love this lip balm. I’ve used it every night for weeks, and every morning I wake up with tight lips- sometimes dry, sometimes a little cracked.

When first applied, my lips feel smooth and moisturized, almost like I’ve used Vaseline. I had high hopes for this balm because of how nice it feels.
As I continued wear, I noticed my lipstick or lip gloss would never sit right on my lips. They would start settling into my lip lines and just end up looking all cracked.
I discontinued use of the balm for a few days and my lips were back to normal.

I tried to blame the harsh winter months but after careful consideration, it really is the balm.

I’m sorry B. Kamins but this balm just did not work out for me the way I had hoped! :(

*product sent for review and consideration by B.Kamins. For more information, please read the Disclaimer.

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