My Birthday Wishlist!

My birthversary is on the 17th of the month (st. patricks day!) so for sh!ts and giggles, I thought I’d share with you what is on my wishlist this year! You know..just in case any loved ones are reading ;)

  1. Samsung Galaxy S II X LTE
    this is just a toss in, my boy already bought it for me
  2. Urban Decay 24/7 Concealer Pencil
  3. NARS Danmari All About Cheeks Palette
    this was also on my Christmas Wishlist…still waiting…patiently….but it’s going to run out soon..
  4. Velour Lashes
    who wouldn’t want lashes made of cruelty-free mink?
  5. A train case
    I’m getting tired of lugging around a TOOL BOX!
  6. A Book Shelf
    My bookshelf is really full and looks terribly messy. I’d like a bigger one please!
  7. a gift card to R.W & Co.

What’s on your birthday wishlist? Or any wishlist!?

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