Luxe Box by Loose Button: April Edition [video]

Good Morning (afternoon/evening)

The First in Line program is back. Loose Button is trying to make this program as fair as possible. This time around they’ve emailed us with 3 time slots to choose from.
I chose the earliest one (9am to 12pm) and I was supposed to receive an email with a password an hour before to help me get into the First in Line program. I never received that email so I went in and changed my time slot to 12pm – 3pm, expecting an email an hour before. Finally the email came a few minutes before noon and I was able to choose from 4 options.
Those options were:

  1. Seche Porcelain plus Seche Nail File and Nail Guides
  2. which is a service that sends you a pretty panty in the mail every month
  3. Essie Nail Polish
  4. and Remi Leave-In Conditioner

I chose the Seche Vite Porcelain which is a creamy, white lacquer for capping the free edge of the nail palette. I chose this option because I wanted the Nail Guides and I’m due for a new Nail File.

The first thing I noticed when I opened my box was the pleasant floral smell. I’m sure it has to do with the products that are in the box but it smells so good that I thought it was noteworthy!

Here are April’s products:

Do you want your very own Luxe Box? Sign up HERE!

What did you get in your Luxe Box?

4 thoughts on “Luxe Box by Loose Button: April Edition [video]”

  1. I am disappointed that they included Pantene, and such little samples at that! I like Pantene, but I’ve used it before and it’s not something I consider to be a “deluxe beauty sample”.
    Luxe Box has been really disappointing me lately :(

    1. Aw! I’m really sorry to hear that.
      I try to be as understanding as I can with these beauty services because unfortunately, they cannot cater to all over our needs because each one of us is so unique.
      I haven’t tried any other beauty sample service yet, but from what I’ve read- they’re all hit & miss.

      I hope you enjoy your next box!

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