HAUL: Beauty Board Purchases

Hey there!

Yesterday, I shared with you my look for the Beauty Board, and the day before that I shared what was in my swag bag.
Today’s post is dedicated to the few items I bought at the Beauty Board!

EcoTools Smudge Brush

I haven’t tried any of the EcoTools brushes, yet. But now I have two! I received the Kabuki Brush in my swag bag and I bought this Smudge Brush. I hope these brushes are good because they are definitely a cheaper alternative.

Kaia Naturals Bamboo Facial Wipes

These wipes smell so delicious, I had to have them! I also got samples in my swag bag. These are great but I find they don’t work as well on stubborn makeup.

ApotheKerri Beauty lip gloss in Socialite

This lip gloss is so pretty and sheer. It’s very sparkly in the tube but transfers well onto the lips. It’s not sticky, either!

Featherband Peacock Ring

Featherband was one of my favourite vendors. They had such great accessories for a very reasonable price! This ring was $5. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it.

Were you at the Beauty Board?
What did you buy?

10 thoughts on “HAUL: Beauty Board Purchases”

  1. I got a feather ring too!!! I love mine – it actually disappeared on me the day after the beauty board and I found it yesterday – my cat stole it and hid it LOL!!!

    Did you watch the video for those Kaia wipes? I found they were really good at removing all my makeup and the video helped. Of course it takes multiple swipes but I really like that one cloth will pretty much do the trick even though they are small.

    Let me know what you think about the eco-tools brushes, they are my favorite, so soft! I just need to learn how to use them properly hahaha!

    1. Hi Elaine!
      I haven’t been able to watch the videos. At work, they’ve blocked YouTube and other various social networking sites. The last thing I want to do at home is be on the computer since I’m on it all day at the office! lol
      I have a couple of really stubborn liquid eyeliners and find it difficult to remove no matter which makeup remover (unless it’s oil based). What I love about the cloths is how moisturizing they are. They feel great.
      I’ll write a review for the EcoTools brushes I have. I have yet to test them out but I have high hopes!

      Thanks for reading <3

  2. i also bought the wipes but the individually wrapped ones because they’re so convenient (and i’m going on vacay in the fall so i’ll just throw a bunch in my makeup bag rather than haul all of my cleansers!)

    and ecotools are ah-may-zing!! enjoy!!

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