DERMAPLANING – Your Questions, Answered

Dermaplaning is a simple option for exfoliation, removing vellus hair, and instant brightening.
Dermaplaning is a low-risk, gentle, and pain-free treatment that will leave your skin feeling soft and glowy!

Keep reading to learn more

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a manual exfoliation treatment done with a surgical blade. It sloughs off dull, dead skin cells and vellus hair, leaving behind a smooth, more supple skin that has a radiant glow.

What are the benefits of Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning allows your products to penetrate deeper, your makeup to apply flawlessly, and reduces the appearance of acne scars, promotes skin rejuvenation, and removes the soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils. Dermaplaning benefits all skin types and tones. 

Dermaplaning Myths

  • Dermplaning causes hair to grow back thicker
    This is simply not true. Vellus hair (aka peach fuzz) is not like terminal hair (ie. the hair on or head, pubic hair, legs, arms, etc). Vellus hair is simply superficial and provides thermal insulation and cooling for our body – that’s it! Vellus hair doesn’t have the same blood supply that causes terminal hair to grow, thus removing vellus hair will not cause it to grow back thicker or darker!
  • Dermplaning is painful
    Nope! Dermaplaning is completely pain-free and super relaxing! it is not abrasive either. Using expert light, feathery stroke with a surgical 10 blade, you barely feel a thing!
  • Dermaplaning causes breakouts
    Dermaplaning will not cause you to break out but if you already have acne, it’s recommended to skip dermaplaning as  it could potential spread the bacteria to other parts of your face or you could get cut.
  • I can just shave my face…
    You could but it won’t have the same affect of dermaplaning. You will not slough off the dead skin or remove all of the vellus hair. Also without proper tools and a stretching technique, you’ll most likely cut yourself.

Dermaplaning Pre + Post Care

Before your treatment:

  • If you’re having some serious breakouts, please wait until they are healed
  • Discontinue the use of Retinol/Retin-A for 4 weeks
  • No exfoliation for one (1) week prior. This includes manual exfoliation with beads or scrubs, your Clarisonic, and chemical exfoliation with salicylic, retinal, glycol’s, lactic acid, etc
  • Discontinue prescribed topical exfoliants for two (2) weeks before your appointment
  • No Accutane for one (1) year prior to your treatment
  • Avoid sun exposure or wear sunscreen. We cannot dermaplaneburned skin.
  • No botox or fillers three (3) weeks prior to dermaplaning

After your treatment

  • Hydration is key! We recommend vitamin C, B, and moisturizers
  • Wear SPF 30+
  • Do not exfoliate for at least 7 days after your appointment. This includes manual, chemical, and topical exfoliations.

If you have any further questions regarding Dermaplaning, leave them in the comment box!

Our Dermaplaning Facial includes cleansing, toner, dermplaning, a gentle chemical peel, a super cool Hyaluronic Acid Hydro Jelly Mask, moisturizer and SPF!
For more information regarding our Dermaplaning Facial, contact us at 416 – 554 – 7079

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