Confessions From the Woman Who Waxes Your…

I’ve been an aesthetician for about 6 years now. I’ve waxed every body part imaginable; men, women, big, small, clean, the less clean, people from all walks of life. I hear it all, build rapport with you, you even trust me with some serious secrets. You’ve been seeing me for years and we’ve become like friends & family. You still have some pretty funny questions about my profession so I wanted to put them in a post, in case you had similar thoughts!

Do we all look the same?
Although each vagina functions the same way, we are all very different. Some have thinner labia, longer vulvas, wider pubic bone, etc. Like bodies (and penises!), we come in a variety of shapes and sizes. That’s the beauty of the human body!

Am I the only shy person? Is this awkward for you?
NO and NO! We all have our own insecurities and no this is definitely not awkward for me. When I’m waxing you, I’m not thinking about the body part. My main focus is removing the hair as efficiently and painlessly as possible!
We all have cellulite, ingrown hairs, odors, etc. In the last 6 + years, I’ve waxed thousands of women. There’s nothing I haven’t seen and there’s nothing you should be ashamed of!

Are men cry babies?
YES LOL. Men have a very different pain level than women. We are so much stronger but as women, we’re built that way! We have to handle pain like child birth so a wax is nothing for us. Men, on the other hand…. *cough* wimps

Have you ever been farted on?
Yes. It’s not a big deal at all. So if you let one go, don’t worry because you’re not the only one!

Can I wax while on my period?
Yes! Wear a clean tampon or your menstrual cup and we’re good-to-go but please note that we cannot wax you if you’re free bleeding or wearing a pad. The wax will not adhere properly to the hair.

Can I still get waxed if I have a yeast infection or STI break out?
Please wait until your yeast infection or break out is gone. We do not want to risk further infection.

Does anything gross you out?
Rarely. Although we do appreciate a same-day shower, each client is offered a baby wipe so if you’ve hadn’t had a shower or it’s post-spin, you can still freshen up for us. 

Can you keep a secret?
We spend a precious, intimate time together. We chat, we get to know each other, over-time you become more comfortable and you start spilling the beans about your life. I treat our conversations like doctor-patient confidentiality. Nothing you tell me leaves the wax room – promise! We are a safe, judgment-free zone.

What’s your favourite service?
Oddly enough, Brazilians. It’s so quick (think 10 mins or less), and easy to wax. Our hair growth is mostly in the same direction as the next person. I find it effortless and I can definitely do it in my sleep.

Why do you only use one stick per application? My last girl double dipped all the time.
Okay first off, GROSS. Secondly, we NEVER double dip. Not only is it disgusting but it goes against Health Canada guidelines.
If your girl is double dipping the stick, RUN. Wax contamination is real. It’s a hot pool of sticky liquid and a breeding ground for bacteria and infection. The same wax she’s 
double dipping in while waxing your private parts is the same wax she’s using to wax someone’s upper lip. I’m sick just thinking about it. 

What are other women doing? Taking it all off or keeping some?
This is definitely a personal choice. Most women take it off because it’s easier to maintain but you can totally choose to leave hair behind as well. Whatever you’re comfortable with!

Tell me about the worst wax you’ve ever had….
Well now that I wax my own Brazilian, it’s easy-peasy with no pain but let me tell you.. my first Brazilian was the worst experience ever. The chick did not hold my skin taut nor directed me to do so. She basically just lathered the wax on and in two strips, ripped it right off. I was black and blue and had a few layers of skin missing. Actually, that experience is what got me thinking there has to be something better than this. And there was. Me!!
Oh let’s not forget the time I had someone put me on all fours to wax between my cheeks… like doggy-style. Talk about feeling vulnerable. At least take me to dinner first.

Well that’s it! If you have anymore questions that you want me to answer, leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!


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