Blush Pretty + Canterbury Productions = The Long Night!

As you all know, I’m part of the Blush Pretty Makeup Artist Team. We service brides and other special clients all over the GTA but now, we’re taking a shot at film!

Blush Pretty has teamed up with Canterbury Productions as the lead makeup and hair team for a feature film called The Long Night, directed by award-winning Gregory Breen. We couldn’t be more excited to venture into the world of film :)

Our goal is to help make The Long Night a success. We have an Indiegogo Campaign running to help fund the movie, just a bit! The campaign is filled with perks, including a makeover and/or makeup bag overhaul from Blush Pretty!
All I ask is that you have a look at the campaign HERE and see if there is anything that tickles your fancy that you can take advantage of.

Thank you so much from the entire Blush Pretty team! We appreciate the consideration and support :)

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