Bad Beauty Habits

We pick up bad habits doing every day, mundane things. When we become so used to doing something, we don’t even think about it anymore. That’s when our bad habits kick in.
Take driving, for example. We speed, we tailgate, we drive with one hand on the wheel, and we don’t use our turn signals.
It doesn’t end at driving though, bad habits will take a toll on our beauty routine, too.

Here’s a few of the bad beauty habits we’ve picked up on along the way:

  • We “forget” to wash our face before bed
    We didn’t forget, we were just too lazy. Your face needs to breathe because bacteria starts to build-up. If you’re not in the mood to fully cleanse your face at the very least, use a face wipe.
  • We wear way too much make-up
    Caking on our foundation, wearing too much blush or wearing too much mascara that we get raccoon eyes is NOT sexy.
  • We don’t wash our brushes regularily
    Just like the bacteria that builds up on our face, it builds up in our brushes too which then transfers to our make-up. Clean your brushes to avoid skin irritations or allergic reactions.
  • Impulse purchases
    Face it, we’re all probably on a beauty budget. We have bills to pay and other budget-responsibilities. Before spending our hard earn money, we need to take a quick second and think “do I need this”, “is it worth the price”, “do I own something similar?” Sleep on the purchase, read reviews and then, if you still really want it, buy it.
  • Hoarding
    We keep old, discontinued products. It’ll sit there collecting dust, yet we can’t part with it. Keeping these products is pointless. We can’t use them because they’re too old and their just cluttering our huge make-up stash. Get rid of them.
  • Over-exfoliating
    Exfoliating gets rid of dead skin cells and grime giving our skin a natural glow but over doing it will cause damage. You’ll make your skin over sensitive and could even scratch it.
  • Picking our pimples
    Not only could this leaves scars on our beautiful faces but we’re also spreading germs all over the rest of our face and if our fingers aren’t clean, you could infect the spot.
  • Sharing make-up
    We love our girlfriends (and our mothers) but we should not be sharing make-up with them, especially eye liners, mascara, lipliners, and lipstick. That’s a big no-no in my books. You could get pink eye, cold sores, and other infections because you’re tranfering the bacteria.

Are you guilty of any of these?
Share with me some of your bad beauty habits.

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